How to Make Your Coffee Taste Good

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Are you looking for ways to improve the taste of your coffee? Luckily this guide will give you some tips to upgrade your morning brew.

The best tip to make your coffee taste better is to experiment and explore different coffee beans, roasts, and brewing methods at home. This will help improve your skills in preparing and achieving the certain flavor that you prefer.

We all want to achieve a coffee flavor that tends to satisfy our tastes. However, many of us aren’t that good at getting a good cup of coffee at home. In this guide, I’ll give you some helpful tips to make your coffee taste good.

What Makes a Great Coffee?

But first what really makes great coffee?

A decent cup of coffee should have the right balance of acidity, bitterness, and sweetness in just a single sip. It should have a good and smooth flavor and not a dominant taste of bitterness.

Indeed, a fruity and floral coffee flavor would leave you wanting more another sip.

And according to coffee experts, a brew’s flavor is basically derived from several primary things. Having this kind of flavor comes from how the coffee beans are grown, processed, and roasted.

How to Make Your Coffee Taste Better?

1.      Have Great Selection of Coffee Beans

Pick the best coffee beans to make the best cup in the morning. Choosing good quality beans is always the key to a delicious cup of coffee.

There are 4 different types of coffee beans, and knowing each of their characteristics will give an idea on what coffee to buy.

  • Arabica Coffee – Most produced and superior in taste.
  • Robusta Coffee – Used in blends and tastes a little bitter.
  • Liberica Coffee – Rarely produced and has a unique taste.
  • Excelsa Coffee – Rarely produced and often used in blends.

Moreover, most people have no idea that there’s a process for measuring the quality of coffee. Gourmet coffee, Premium coffee and Specialty coffee are the three distinct classifications of coffee quality.

I would suggest to choose from these 3 qualifications and explore each of their flavors. Then it’s up to you to decide what you think is the best.

But if you want to always have a great tasting-coffee at home, I recommended to use “specialty coffee beans”. Most roasters prefer this as it is the highest grade of coffee available. Furthermore, according to some experts, the best quality beans you can obtain are labeled as “specialty coffee and a 100% Arabica beans”.

The specialty coffee refers to as special because it is defined by its distinct taste, smell, acidity, body and complexity. That is, it has been graded and sorted before it is roasted, with few to no defects such as fungus, damage, etc.

Here’s a tip when purchasing specialty or gourmet coffee beans to grocery stores or to any of your sources.

  • Choose a coffee where the label includes information such as the origin, altitude where the beans are grown. This includes the processing method of which the beans are prepared; washed, dry, honey.
  • Check the country and region where the beans are grown.
  • Choose a good variety of coffee beans, Arabica for example.

2.      Always Buy Freshly Roasted Coffee

There’s a chance that your coffee may taste bad as they begin to lose essential and aromatic flavor in just a matter of time. So, it’s always important to consider the roast date.

There are many choices when it comes to choosing good coffee beans. But if your coffee is always fresh, this absolutely makes the taste much better.

  • Check the date when the beans are roasted to ensure its freshness.
  • Choose a bean that is brown and looks dry to touch.
  • Avoid beans that are super oily and super dark in color.

And if you’re having trouble what coffee roast should you get, be sure to check our guide on the different types of roast; Light, Medium, Dark.

3.      Outsource your Coffee Wisely

There are many great places out there to outsource your coffee beans. But the most common choices are local roasters, subscription services, and buying from reputable brands.

Local roasters – Your local roaster is one of the best places to pick freshly roasted beans. I highly recommend buying coffee directly from them to get high-quality beans. If you live in NYC, you should check Bean&Bean Coffee Roasters, Oslo Coffee, and other roasting companies out there.

Subscription Services – You can also join subscription services to receive freshly-roasted coffee beans regularly. A coffee subscription allows you to sample different varieties of coffee.

  • Bean Box is one of the best out there. They deliver your coffee fresh to maximize and enjoy the peak flavor of every cup of joe.
  • Blue Bottle Coffee is a popular coffee subscription service. You can get fresh premium coffee that is made from freshly roasted beans.

Specialty Coffee Roasters/ Brands – You can also buy quality coffee from well-known and legitimate brands’ stores. You can buy directly from their websites.

  • One of our favorites is Volcanica Coffee Company. They regularly produce freshly roasted coffee, which ensures freshness and quality. They also have flavored and exotic coffees.
  • Cooper’s Cask Coffee is a small batch coffee roaster that offers excellent coffees. They only roast what is ordered to ensure freshness and quality.

Online Marketplaces – Amazon is the largest online marketplace to outsource coffee. While it seems not that ideal, it’s still one of the best places to purchase quality and fresh coffees. Just do your research and always check the roast dates to ensure freshness. Check Amazon’s best selling roasted coffee beans.

4.      Upgrade your Brewing Tools and Equipment

Some coffee brewing equipment can last for another couple of years. However, it’s still best to upgrade your old gears to further improve the taste of your brew.

One of the reasons why your coffee tastes that awful is that your coffee maker, or grinder, has already reached its full potential. So, you may need to invest in better and durable equipment.

Start with your coffee grinder – This is a must-have tool for anyone who loves to brew better coffee. Here’s a list of some of the best coffee grinders out there.

I recommend to use a burr grinder instead of a blade grinder. Burrs provides a perfect and consistent result, while blades result in grounds that are a mixture of fine and coarse size.

  • The Baratza Encore is an ideal machine to start with. It’s an affordable, entry-level option, without sacrificing the quality and performance.
  • The OXO Brew is a powerful electric burr grinder that brings the beans’ full potential. This equipment is also a great investment for anyone to get started with coffee making.
  • If you are looking for an easy way to grind coffee beans at home, the JavaPresse Manual Coffee Grinder is a great purchase.

Be sure to choose a quality and reliable unit that provides high-end performance and will last for many years.

The coffee maker itself – Check if you need to transition into a more versatile and better coffee maker. It’s your choice to pick whatever coffee brewing methods you like. But be sure to have the best item that does the brewing perfectly. If you’re into drip coffee coffee machines, be sure to check our comparison of the best drip coffee makers.

5.      Grind your Beans Right Before you Brew

The aroma is one of the most important characteristics of a coffee. And sometimes it is the first thing you lose when grinding it.

Therefore, as soon as you buy the type of coffee bean that you like, it’s the best way to ensure that you’re getting the most out of it – its smell and natural taste.

So, always grind your beans as close to the brew time or even after you purchased it as possible to maintain its natural freshness.

6.      Pay Attention to your Grind Sizes

Also, pay attention to how fine or course your coffee ground is. The size of the grind is essential if you want to make your coffee tastes better. Otherwise, you may get a coffee that doesn’t provide you with the taste that satisfies your cravings.

  • If your grounds are too fine, you may end up with over-extraction. That means too much flavor will be extracted out from your ground coffee.
  • If your grounds are too coarse, it may result to under-extraction. That means the needed flavor will not be extracted out from your coffee.

If your coffee tastes bitter, bad or bland, you didn’t extract the right amount of flavor from the coffee. It is probably the result of improper extraction.

7.      Fit the Grind Size in your Preferred Brew Method

In addition, coffee experts recommend adjusting the size of the grind to fit the method of brew. That is, grind your coffee beans according to how exactly you will be brewing it.

Here’s the different grind size with its recommended brewing methods.

Large or Coarse Grind Size – It has a size similar to sea salt, which also has a low surface area compared to the fine grounds.

  • This size is recommended and indeed the best for French press, percolators as well as for coffee cupping.

Medium Coarse Grind Size – Having a size like regular sand, which is sometimes the most common ground among coffee lovers and coffee brewing fanatics.

  • This grind size has something to offer which makes it the best grind for machine brewing and drip over coffee.

Fine or Extra-Fine Grind Size – In terms of consistency, it’s a little finer than table salt. However, technically, having a size similar to table salt or flour, which is normally processed by a burr grinder.

8.      Brew your Coffee at Home

If you want to improve the taste of your coffee, start developing your brewing skills at home. Also, it’s worth it and it’s more fascinating to have a hands-on approach with your coffee-making process.

So, rather than just making an instant cup of coffee or ordering it from a coffee shop, why not just brew it yourself?

The one you brew at home tastes different from the ones you order from cafes, which what makes it also more special.

9.      Choose a Simple Brewing Method

While there are so many popular home-brewing methods out there, just brew your coffee most simply and cheaply.

Sure, there are many great coffee machines, and absolutely brews nice coffee. But what matters is to choose the best method, that depends to your needs and preferences. And of course, to get the truly best coffee.

Simplicity is the best. And making a great cup of coffee at home is not that complicated. You’ll just have to choose the right beans, roast it, then brew it. If you can’t make your coffee to taste better, maybe you’re the one who complicates it.

Coffee making is a passion the needs to be appreciated. In the end, you’ll figure out that delicious coffee doesn’t define by price, or even expensive coffee making machines. But rather by the quality and passion for which you prepare it.

10. Use Quality Water

Another tip to make your coffee taste better is to use quality water in your brew. Besides, a bad tasting coffee is sometimes the result of a bad tasting water.

The quality of the water you use is important to the brewing process. Otherwise, it may lead to very strong, bitter or bland coffee.

  • If you use tap water that has chlorine in it, it takes away a lot of essential coffee flavors.
  • The use of reverse osmosis or even distilled water is not recommended as it lacks some minerals. You need some mineral contents to properly extract the good flavors from it.

Therefore, to obtain the best results, the use of good water is the key. Use filtered water or bottled water. Since your coffee consists almost of that liquid, it’s essential to use water that you would definitely drink – clean water.

11. Coffee-to-Water Ratio

Usually, it takes up to 15-20% of soluble solids are extracted from the coffee grounds with just the right amount of water to release all of its best flavors.

However, that certain amount of water is difficult to assess. Simply using more coffee grounds doesn’t correct the problem of under-extraction as well as using more water to adjust over-extraction.

Again, as mentioned before, too much extraction can lead to a brew that tastes bitter, and under extraction as well results in a thin, weak, and bland cup of coffee.

That is why the coffee-to-water ratio plays an important role in it. There is also a preferred ratio to follow, to suit your taste preferences, just like food recipes.

So, to obtain a close coffee-to-water ratio, keep it to always weigh your coffee or use a measuring device that you know will hold the right amount of ground coffee. Also, at least initially, have the right estimate of water.

If you make it a habit, eventually, your coffee will always taste much better. It is easy for you to estimate the right ratio without using any measuring devices anymore.

12. Get the Right Water Temperature

Water temperature affects the way your coffee tastes. So, if you want to improve your brew, then always check your water temperature.

The hotter your water is, the more it quickly extracts the flavors from the coffee grounds. But once the water starts to cool, the flavors and smells also tend to change.

The ideal water temperature is somewhat 195–205-degree Fahrenheit since the coffee grounds react to water at near-boiling temperature.

If you’re using a drip coffee machine, check the manufacturer’s guide. This is why sometimes, it’s also better and preferable to brew your coffee on an auto-drip machine for the fact that they are built to obtain a great cup – maintaining its proper temperature.

13. Experiment with Contact Time

It’s important to pay attention to how long the coffee and water should be in contact with each other. Remember that the amount of time that the hot water is still in contact with the coffee grounds plays an important role in its flavor.

If it takes too long, it may result in a bitter taste, and if it takes too short, it may lead to a sour taste. Therefore, it’s essential to monitor the time of your brew to achieve and obtain a good and smooth coffee flavor.

Final Thoughts

If you love coffee that much, consider brewing it yourself. Making your coffee to taste better is not that complicated. You’ll just have to choose the best coffee beans and follow those tips provided above.

Remember that when you appreciate the knowledge and experience you could get in brewing your own coffee, you will reap the huge rewards out of it!

If you’re looking for a taste that is the “best”, then don’t just settle on “just right” cup of coffee. Explore and experiment with coffee roasts, grind sizes, and brew methods until you find what suits your preferences. So, now it’s your turn! How do you prepare your coffee at home?

Share your thoughts about the brilliance of making your own cup of coffee at home or conversely your personal preference on how you brew it.

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