Unraveling the Mysteries of High Humidity Coffee Storage

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Weird Coffee Science: High Humidity Coffee Storage Part 1 of 2

Weird Coffee Science where we delve into the impact of high humidity on coffee storage. This experiment, sparked by a viewer’s suggestion, explores the potential benefits of storing coffee in a high humidity environment. The video takes you through a month-long journey of storing coffee with a humidifier maintaining a 69% moisture level, and comparing it with coffee stored under regular conditions. The results? A fascinating exploration of taste, acidity, and brewing behavior. Whether you’re a coffee connoisseur or a casual drinker, this video offers a unique perspective on how storage conditions can influence your favorite brew.

Key Learning Points on Storing Coffee in a High Humidity Environment

  • Experiment Setup: An experiment was set up to store coffee in a high humidity environment, a concept suggested by a viewer named Hammad. One bag of coffee was stored with a humidifier maintaining a 69% moisture level, and another bag in a normal environment. Both bags were sealed and left untouched for a month.
  • Blind Taste Test: After a month, a blind taste test was conducted with three cups prepared – two with the same coffee and one different. The odd one out was not immediately identifiable.
  • High Humidity Coffee Characteristics: The coffee stored in high humidity was eventually identified as the odd one out. It was found to have a lower acidity but didn’t present any off flavors, offering a pleasant taste.
  • Further Testing at Square Model: A further test was conducted at a place called Square Model, where two v60s were brewed, one with the humid coffee and one with the normal coffee. Participants were asked to taste and pick their preference.
  • Participant Preferences: Most participants preferred the coffee stored in high humidity, describing it as fuller, more complex, sweeter, and better balanced.
  • Observations: An interesting observation was that the coffee stored in high humidity barely bloomed when brewed, potentially leading to an increase in texture or mouthfeel.
  • Conclusion and Invitation for Viewers: The experiment concluded with an invitation for viewers to try this at home, with links to the humidity packs provided in the video description.

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7xEbf1mkm0[/embedyt]

Mysteries of High Humidity Coffee Storage Part 2 of 2

In this episode of “Weird Coffee Science”, we’re diving back into the fascinating world of coffee storage, specifically focusing on the effects of high humidity. This is a follow-up to a previous experiment where coffee was stored under high humidity conditions, and the results were quite intriguing. In this video, we’re revisiting the topic after four months of storage to see how the coffee has evolved. The experiment involves comparing coffee stored in a high humidity environment to coffee stored under regular conditions. The findings are not only surprising but also open up a new perspective on how humidity can impact the taste and brewing process of coffee.

Key Learning Points on Storing Coffee in a High Humidity Environment Part 2

  • Experiment Setup: The experiment involves storing coffee in a bag that maintains an environment of 69% humidity. This level of humidity is high but safe, as it doesn’t encourage mold growth.
  • Moisture Absorption: After four months, the coffee stored under high humidity weighed about 12% more than the coffee stored under regular conditions. This suggests that the coffee beans have absorbed moisture from the air.
  • Fair Comparison: To ensure a fair comparison, 12% more coffee beans were used for brewing the high-humidity coffee.
  • Brewing Adjustments: The brewing process revealed that the high-humidity coffee brewed much faster, resulting in a weaker brew. This led to a second attempt with a finer grind to slow down the brewing process.
  • Flavor Profile:The taste test revealed that the high-humidity coffee had more life to it, but it also introduced some new, slightly funky flavors. Some might find these flavors appealing, while others might not.
  • Quenching:The concept of quenching, a process used at the end of roasting to cool down the coffee quickly. This process involves spraying the hot coffee with a mist of water, which instantly evaporates, pulling a lot of heat out of the coffee.
  • CO2 Extraction:The high humidity levels in the bag seemed to have pulled a lot of CO2 out of the coffee, which was evident during the brewing process.
  • Humidity Insights:This experiment has brought some fascinating insights into the impact of humidity on coffee storage and brewing.
  • Grinding Profile: The state of a coffee bean before grinding has a significant impact on the way it grinds. The high-humidity coffee beans produced a different grinding profile, possibly due to their less brittle nature.

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcXK1MZJDAM[/embedyt]